Michael Moore: You’re going to hell if you supported the War in Iraq

Actually, Moore thinks you’re going to hell even if you didn’t support the war, because your tax dollars went to funding it.

Didn’t Moore’s too then? Or were his tax dollars spent in some special way that exempts him from hell?

Skip to 2:22-3:07 for the brilliance:

5 Responses to Michael Moore: You’re going to hell if you supported the War in Iraq

  1. DCG says:

    Going to have to declare your citizenship when you get to the pearly gates? What a moron. For all our wrongs, guess that means all Americans will go to hell since our taxes fund abortions to kill babies.

  2. Bill says:

    It’s a poorly expressed point, but one worth considering nonetheless. Who do we think we are to inflict the damage and suffering we did, the “shock and awe” therapy in Iraq and elsewhere? Because we are American, do we enjoy certain rights that maybe the Jordanians, or the Cambodians, do not? Are our actions inherently moral because of who we are?

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